877-457-5657 CELL 509-759-9916
Safety Services offers a wide variety of services and programs.
Our Attenti GPS electronic home monitoring devices allow us to monitor you wherever you go. There is no land line needed for our EHM devices. We monitor all over Washington State and appointments can be made for us to come to you!
Our certified Agents and Staff are trained to monitor "high risk" cases. We work around the clock to provide you with EHM services the courts can trust and you can afford.
Alcohol Monitoring is important in many cases. Whether it be for the Courts or if you are worried about a loved one. Our state of the art Soberlink devices are portable hand held devices that allow us to monitor our clients alcohol levels through out the day. The client is set up on a schedule to submit breath alcohol test throughout the day along with any randoms called in by our agents. A small camera takes a picture every time a test is submitted to verify the clients identity as well as a GPS location. All tests are sent in REAL time to our monitoring systems for review.